Integrative Sound Treatments for a Wide Range of Issues

This website provides options for creating Sound based treatments and dedicated spaces for an Integrative Therapy Center in a Hospital. It also provides an overview of how sound can be used for specific issues (including safety guidelines). It also gives some ideas for instruments and technologies that might be incorporated.
We have set up the Sound Healing Board to help vet practitioners that would like to work in hospitals. The Board also can recommend practitioners that have passed the Board’s test. The primary function of the test is to learn the safety guidelines for different physical, mental and emotional issues.
One of the most important benefits is to also help staff to de-stress. All of these spaces and techniques can also be used on staff besides patients.
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The basis of all sound healing is creating consistent, stable vibrations to overcome chaotic vibrations physically, mentally and emotionally. Vowels and most sound healing instruments including crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs and tuning forks all create coherent vibrations, which create peace in the body. When at peace, the body commonly resolves issues on its own — including mental and emotional issues. When the body is healthy, every single cell and part of the body is humming consistently. Illness begins when a part of the body starts buzzing chaotically from things like fear, anxiety and stress. The voice and instruments entrain the whole system into coherence and stillness where all organs go into alignment and the immune system flourishes.
Ultimately, as we do research to find the healthy resonant frequency of every part of the body, we will be able to entrain every part into its natural healthy frequency. Currently, most Sound Healing is designed to simply create peace and stillness. However, this can be done in different ways, depending on the specific issue.
Relaxation and Stress Reduction – There is nothing better. Calms the mind and the body. It’s also rejuvenating.
Healing – Our research with over 350 participants shows that overall, Sound Healing results in an average of 69% reduction of symptoms. Some of the many ailments that these tools can help with include pain management, sleep, anxiety, depression, PTSD, neurological disorders, stroke, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, sports preparation and injury, and traumatic brain injury.
Expanded States of Awareness – People commonly report being able to access higher states of consciousness resulting in inner peace, balance, well-being, spiritual awareness, interconnectedness and a feeling of Oneness with fellow humans and nature. Commonly people are in tears as the sounds and music open their hearts. Expanded states of awareness commonly aid in the healing process.
CLICK HERE to see the data from our Research. You can filter the data for any issue or instrument combination.
CLICK HERE to see other Research that has been done.
CLICK HERE to see a searchable database of over 400 clinical research papers.

The room you choose is often dependent on what is available. If designing the room, here are some options that can be incorporated into the room. Pick and choose based on whatever resonates with you:
Sound Bath (Concert) Space
This space could hold as few as 3 people or as many as 30. The room could be scheduled for various issues or for a general relaxation.
Vibroacoustics Room
Most Vibroacoustic tools don’t create much sound in the room when the person is wearing headphones. Therefore, you can have multiple units in the same room. Ideally, it is best to have a small dedicated room for a sound lounge and have a surround sound speaker system setup in the room.
Individual Treatment Rooms
Ideally, it is nice to have separate rooms for one-on-one treatments on patients.
Computer / Music Playback Stations
Listening stations for music can be just around the walls of the Sound Bath Space or in individual rooms. Computers for doing Voice Analysis can also be in the same room. If any biofeedback equipment is used it can be next to the computers.
Storage Space
You might need storage space for the instruments and technologies if they can’t be left out in the room.

.Listening to music is well known to have positive effects. Now there are a wide range of Sound Healing CDs that are even more effective.
David Gibson is one of top producers of Sound Healing Music with over 60 CDs. David wrote the #1 selling books in both Audio Recording and Production (CLICK HERE), and in Sound Healing (CLICK HERE). All of his Music CDs/Digital Downloads incorporate sophisticated Quantum Healing Frequencies and Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment. Not only is the music healing, but it can transport you into a high state of bliss. David’s music is in many hospitals around the world including Massachusetts General Hospital and University of California Medical Center. It is also used in Dementia wards and for First Responders. You can find more information on David’s music production HERE. You can find his CDs HERE. There are long demos you can listen to.

A Sound Bath or concert commonly include voice, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls and gongs — although there are a wide range of other instruments such as harp, guitar, xylophone, kalimba and chimes. Participants sit or lay down while the practitioner plays.
The stable consistent instruments and sounds are designed to create a deep state of relaxation and peace. Sessions can be from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours and can be tailored for specific issues. For example, a session for depression would be more activating, while one for anxiety would be calming only.
CLICK HERE to see more detail on all of the issues that the tools are effective for.
CLICK HERE to see the Research that has been done.

Consistent Vibrations include the vowels and most sound healing instruments including Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Gongs and Tuning Forks.
CLICK HERE to see more detail on all of the issues that the tools are effective for.
CLICK HERE to see the Research that has been done.

The bass in VibroAcoustic devices (Sound Lounges and Sound Tables) is also consistent. It all contributes to homeostasis — physically, mentally,
CLICK HERE to see more detail on all of the issues that the tools are effective for.
CLICK HERE to see the Research that has been done.

The bass in VibroAcoustic devices (Sound Lounges and Sound Tables) is also consistent. It all contributes to homeostasis — physically, mentally,
CLICK HERE to see more detail on all of the issues that the tools are effective for.
CLICK HERE to see the Research that has been done.

The bass in VibroAcoustic devices (Sound Lounges and Sound Tables) is also consistent. It all contributes to homeostasis — physically, mentally,
Relaxation and Stress Reduction – There is nothing better. Calms the mind and the body. It’s also rejuvenating… like having a nap.
CLICK HERE to see more detail on all of the issues that the tools are effective for.
CLICK HERE to see the Research that has been done.

The bass in VibroAcoustic devices (Sound Lounges and Sound Tables) is also consistent. It all contributes to homeostasis — physically, mentally,
Relaxation and Stress Reduction – There is nothing better. Calms the mind and the body. It’s also rejuvenating… like having a nap.
CLICK HERE to see more detail on all of the issues that the tools are effective for.
CLICK HERE to see the Research that has been done.
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Here is an overview of the tools available
Music CDs
Frequency CDs
Sound Healing Instruments
Voice Analysis Software

We use music from the top Sound Healing Music Producer on the planet, David Gibson (MORE ON THE MUSIC PRODUCTION). David Gibson wrote the #1 selling books in both Audio Recording and Production (CLICK HERE), and in Sound Healing (CLICK HERE). All of the Music CDs/Digital Downloads incorporate sophisticated Quantum Healing Frequencies and Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment. Not only is the music healing, but it can transport you into a high state of bliss — including Universal Love and Oneness.

The smaller devices (Bass Pod and Bass Belt) work with our Cymatic Frequency CDs/Digital Downloads. You don’t listen to the CDs, you play them directly on the body for more targeted healing on specific parts of the body and issues. We have Cymatic CDs for: Arthritis, Asthma, Bones, Brain, Chronic Fatigue, Circulatory System, Depression Relief, Digestion, Endocrine System, Muscles, Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments and Respiratory System. These are the most well researched frequencies on the planet. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CYMATIC FREQUENCY CDs.

The Music CDs – We use music from the top Sound Healing Music Producer on the planet, David Gibson (MORE ON THE MUSIC PRODUCTION). David Gibson wrote the #1 selling books in both Audio Recording and Production (CLICK HERE), and in Sound Healing (CLICK HERE). All of the Music CDs/Digital Downloads incorporate sophisticated Quantum Healing Frequencies and Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment. Not only is the music healing, but it can transport you into a high state of bliss — including Universal Love and Oneness.
The Frequency CDs – The smaller devices (Bass Pod and Bass Belt) work with our Cymatic Frequency CDs/Digital Downloads. You don’t listen to the CDs, you play them directly on the body for more targeted healing on specific parts of the body and issues. We have Cymatic CDs for: Arthritis, Asthma, Bones, Brain, Chronic Fatigue, Circulatory System, Depression Relief, Digestion, Endocrine System, Muscles, Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments and Respiratory System. These are the most well researched frequencies on the planet. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CYMATIC FREQUENCY CDs.

Music and VibroAcoustics combined have been profoundly effective in bringing clients to a deep state of peace and stillness. This is also the ideal state to then provide any other cognitive therapies.
There are over a dozen research projects on VibroAcoustic therapies alone. Ongoing International studies attest to the effectiveness as an intervention for clinical populations in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, migraine headaches, gastrointestinal ulcers, Raynaud’s disease, Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia, polyarthritis, sports injury, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, autism, insomnia, depression, and anxiety disorders.
Over the last 10 years graduate students at our Sound Healing Institute have had assignments to create treatment plans for a wide range of issues including Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and Dementia. We have collated, refined and tested these treatment plans over the years to develop highly effective plans. You can access these treatment plans at

Sound Lounges and Tables
The Sound Lounge is a chair that has transducers (subwoofer like speakers) mounted inside. It can also be laid down flat. The Sound Table is a massage table with the transducers mounted on the bottom. Both the Lounges and the Tables vibrate the whole body with the bass of the music you are listening to.
Sound Lounge – A key component of the Sound Lounge is that its top layer is made of Memory Foam which forms to the body, thus giving you maximum contact with the vibration. It is very cooshie. When most people first lay down they sigh with delight as they notice how soft and comfortable it feels — even before the vibration is turned on. Because the Sound Lounge can also be laid flat you can also lay on your stomach and get your belly vibrated. GO DIRECTLY to the SOUND LOUNGES
Sound Table – The Sound Table is excellent for doing a massage while being vibrated. It also works really well with the Amethyst Biomat placed on top so you get the energy of the Amethyst crystals and infrared heat (Because the Sound Lounge is so cooshie you can’t really do massage on it or put the Biomat on top of it). GO DIRECTLY to the SOUND TABLES

Sound Pillows and Dolphins
The Pillows and Dolphins also have transducers that produce a strong vibration that you can also hug! They can be used on top of the Lounge or Table so you are sandwiched between the two. The effect is that you are completely enveloped in a field of wonderful vibration. You can also use them as a standalone healing and bliss device. The Sound Pillow has stronger vibration than the Sound Dolphin so it is better when playing back music. The Sound Dolphin has more high frequencies which are better for use with the Cymatics Frequency CDs that are played on the body. GO NOW

Bass Pods, Bass Belts and Bass Vests
Localized frequency healing right on the part of the body that needs it the most. The Cymatics Frequency CDs are played through the powerful transducers. No listening required, although you can actually play music through them while listening on headphones (especially on the full Bass Vest). GO NOW
Extra CD’s / Downloads, Music Player Device, Headphones and Stereo Systems GO NOW
Back to “TOOLS” Table of Contents
For each issues listed below you will find an overview of how to use sound for the issue.
The Medical Sound Association with over 600 doctors and sound therapists have created a detailed treatment plan for each of the issues below.
Below you will find just an overview of the full plan. You will also see a link to the detailed plan for that particular issue at the end of each section.
Here’s the outline of the format of the detailed treatment plans (commonly 20 – 30 pages in link):
Medical Details and Types
– Information about the Issue – What the issue is
– Causes – As much as is known
– Current Medical Treatments – To help inform the Sound Treatment plan
– Types of People – Information that can seriously affect the type of treatment provide (eg: Level of Severity; Adults vs. Children; Strong vs. Fragile)
Conceptual Framework
Based on the information above, what is the basis of different aspects of the treatment plans. What approaches with the sounds and music for what outcomes and why. An overview of what we are trying to accomplish?
Safety Guidelines
What should practitioners be aware of. What are the contraindications? This is critical not only for safety, but in order to help bring these treatment modalities into the mainstream (hospitals and homes).
Intake Questions
General questions about the person and detailed questions about their issue and their relationship with it. These questions are critical for determining which path to take in the treatment plan.
Sound Treatments
Detailed techniques using a wide range of sound and music, categorized based on the Conceptual Frameworks above.
Treatments other than Sound
Techniques that you might add to the treatment. These techniques might also inspire new ways that you might also incorporate sound with them.
Ideas that the person can do on their own.
Relaxation and Stress Reduction
Boosting the Immune System
Pain Management
Sleep Disorders
Traumatic Brain Injury
Heart Conditions
Sports Injury

The basis of all sound healing is creating stable and consistent vibrations that entrain us into peace, so all sound healing is good for stress reduction.
Vibroacoustic tools are especially effective because of the strength of the vibration on the body. Sound and music with consistent low frequencies dramatically lower heart and respiration rates and blood pressure to reduce stress and oxygen consumption.
The key for ongoing stress reduction is to get the person to use sound throughout their day. The more often they go to a place of peace and stillness, the more the body gets used to that state of being as the norm. Therefore, it is important to show them techniques and tools they could use on their own.
There is nothing better for Relaxation and Stress Reduction than the Sound Lounge/Table. Sound and music with consistent low frequencies dramatically lower heart and respiration rates and blood pressure to reduce stress and oxygen consumption. Not only do the low frequencies entrain the body into a coherent peaceful state, but the music with the binaural beats also lull a person into a deep state of relaxation. If you have anything going on emotionally, simply spend 10 minutes on the lounge/table and it will not only be gone mentally/emotionally, but will also be gone physically out of your body.

The number one thing that boosts the immune system is being at peace. Being at peace physically, mentally, emotionally and even Spiritually is the very best for maximizing the immune response. This allows for all organs to come back into alignment.

There are two main ways to work with pain. One is to get a person blissed out so they forget about the pain. Doing this also creates endorphins in the brain, which actually do reduce the pain. The Sound Lounge/Table is the best at bringing a person into a relaxed blissful state with the music and vibration combination.
Brainwave states of Alpha have also been shown to help reduce pain. Using Brainwave CD’s tuned to the person are even more helpful. This technique has been used by dentists for years, and is now becoming quite common before, during and after surgery.
Second, is to play frequencies directly on the body to resonate that specific part of the body into its natural healthy state. This is not just distraction, this is actually regeneration (See more info below on using the Bass Pod/Belt with the Cymatic Frequencies).
Using both methods is an extremely effective protocol for pain management. So much so that several graduates from the Sound Healing Institute have now set up Pain Management Centers using the Sound Lounge/Table and the Bass Pod/Belt.
In one study on Sound Lounges, they measured the physiological and behavioral effectiveness of these interventions with 272 patients and found over 50% reduction of pain and symptoms. A study at Duke University Medical Center also reported significant pain reduction for 20 women who had surgery for various cancers. Also at Duke, patients who received vibroacoustic physical therapy following total knee replacements showed increased range of motion.
Cymatic Frequencies played directly on the affected area (if not too sensitive) are shockingly effective. So much so that Kaiser Hospital commonly refers patients to us for pain management. There are so many miraculous stories.
One person couldn’t walk after getting a massage on the lower back. After 15 minutes using the Bass Belt strapped on the lower back, all pain was gone and never came back.
Another had whiplash and had been experiencing pain nonstop between 7 and 9 (on a scale of 1-10) for over two years. After 20 minutes with the Bass Pod, his pain was down to 2 for the first time since the accident.
Sound is extremely effective for relieving pain and with a bit of research, the potential is huge. I believe that very soon sound will be the norm for pain management in hospitals around the world. Not only is it effective, but there are no side effects in the least.
There are several approaches for using sound on pain.
Becoming engaged in an activity (preferably one that has no side effects like sound) can make one forget about the pain temporarily.
Bliss and Peace
Whenever you get into a state of feeling good, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins are released. Pain often makes the body tighten and creates tension. Bringing one to peace relaxes the body and mind so that the tension that is exacerbating the pain is gone. Also, when at peace, the body’s natural healing response kicks in.
Sound and Music on Nerves Going to the Brain
Playing frequencies and music through the nervous system can break through and clear blockages, or inhibit the transmission of pain information going to the brain.
Sound on the Part of the Body Causing the Pain
When you fill up the nerve receptors with sound, there is no room left for pain information.
Repairing What is Causing the Problem
Playing the natural resonant frequency of a part of the body can repair the nerves or muscles that are causing the pain so that it is gone forever.
Quite a few years ago I fell in the shower and broke some ribs. I found that as long as I kept screaming, I felt no pain. I screamed for almost an hour, which was great except for the fact that no one else could be in the room with me.
Then in 2010 I had surgery and I again used the technique whenever the pain was too much. However, I was quite a bit more limited now because I was not alone. Not only did I completely annoy my roommates and the nurses, but also, I was told I was upsetting the patients in other rooms down the hall. Finally, a doctor came in and I explained to him that when I make loud sounds, I have no pain. He said the reason is that
our pain receptors can only handle so much information
and when they get filled up with sound,
there is no room left for the pain.
In that moment I realized that I didn’t have to scream; that simply toning worked. The voice is unbelievably powerful for getting rid of pain, and the amazing thing is that often the pain doesn’t come back. This technique is more effective when you do it on yourself than when you do it on others (but still does work on others).
Voice on the Body
- Set sacred space and visualize an octahedron around you and the room. Or, simply ask for help protecting the space. This step is especially important for this technique because when you make the sound of pain, it can attract in negative energy.
- Simply make the sound of the pain in your body. You might have to actually play with different sounds until you really match the feeling of the pain. You will know when you hit it. Not only does the pain go away but you might find that tears well up. Make the sound as long as you need to.
- Imagine what that part of the body would feel like without the pain and make the sound of that. This one is a little trickier to find – particularly if the pain is still present. In order to find the sound, you might focus on another part of the body that is not experiencing the pain and find the sound of that part of the body. Again, play with different sounds until you find one that seems to fit the harmony that is present in the part of the body with no pain. Then use that sound on the part of the body where the pain is.
You can do these techniques as often as you like. Feel free to modify or add any other techniques you might already know.
Sound on the Body
Tuning Forks
Tuning forks are a proven and powerful tool for getting rid of pain. If the pain is not too bad, you can place the forks right on the pain point. If too sensitive, place the forks on both sides of the spot so as to draw the energy away.
Depending on the type of injury and where it is in the body, different fork pitches and frequencies might be helpful. Again, try and come up with the right frequency intuitively. You may just want to test out different forks to see which ones are the most effective. Again, don’t forget to use your intention to help get rid of the pain also. In this treatment, the primary thing you are trying to do is to get energy flowing again through the painful area. Therefore, your main focus is to visualize the energy flowing through the section of the body totally connected to the rest of the body.
I once saw a person who had burned her fingers on a wood-burning stove. She actually got burnt twice. She applied tuning forks to the first burn immediately. The second, she did nothing to. The first burn was practically gone in two days. The second burn turned into a large blister and took about two weeks to heal.
On another occasion, I did a tuning fork treatment on a guy who had a broken neck. He had had surgery on his neck and while in surgery, they had to break his neck in order to get it realigned. He was wearing a neck brace and could not move his neck at all. We performed a tuning fork treatment on him. He returned the next week and not only had the pain been diminished by 80% but he had regained movement in his neck. He said that when we were doing the tuning fork treatment, he mentally went back into the moment of the trauma when they broke his neck. He said he was able to release the fear associated with the trauma which allowed his neck to release the tension holding it stiff. He was grateful and in tears over the transformation.
Crystal or Tibetan Bowls
Play these on the body right where the pain is can be shockingly effective.
Frequency CDs / Bass Pods / Bass Belts
Cymatic Frequencies played directly on the affected area (if the individual receiving is not too sensitive) are shockingly effective. This is not just distraction. The frequencies are the actual frequencies of what a given body part or organ needs for regeneration.
These frequencies are so effective that Kaiser Hospital commonly refers patients to us for pain management. There are so many miraculous stories.
One person couldn’t walk after getting a massage on the lower back. After fifteen minutes of using the bass belt on their lower back, all pain was gone and never came back.
Another who had whiplash and had been experiencing nonstop pain between 7 and 9 (on a scale of 1 to 10) for over two years tried out the bass pod. After fifteen minutes with it, his pain went down to 2 for the first time since the accident.
Sound Lounges
Lounges and pillows vibrate the whole body which helps in creating flow through all systems.
In one study on sound lounges, they measured the physiological and behavioral effectiveness of these interventions with 272 patients and found over 50% reduction of pain and symptoms. A study at Duke University Medical Center also reported significant pain reduction for 20 women who had surgery for various cancers. Also, at Duke, patients who received vibroacoustic physical therapy following total knee replacements showed increased range of motion.
Brainwave CDs/Downloads Tuned to You – Brainwave states of Alpha have also been shown to help reduce pain.
Using brainwave CDs/downloads tuned to you gets the brain back into coherence so that the chaos of the pain is less. It also creates all the chemicals that overcome the pain.

The consistent peaceful vibrations easily overcome any anxiety, no matter how strong. The lounges have been used with over 4000 first responders and have been proven to overcome severe anxiety. However, if someone is really sensitive, fragile or subject to having panic attacks then the vibration could be too much. Always test the amount of vibration and volume in the room or headphones when working with someone that is really sensitive.
There is nothing better than sound for dealing with anxiety – this is particularly the case for panic attacks. Consistent and peaceful vibrations easily overcome any anxiety. Soft and warm, even harmonic sounds filled with love are the key.
The issue is addressed a bit differently depending on the level of anxiety and the person. A person having a panic attack is extremely sensitive, whereas a first responder in a crisis might not be so fragile.
It is critical to be really careful when working with people who are prone to panic attacks. Use warm sounds and even harmonic calming sounds. No gongs. Even crystal bowls can be too much. Use soft volumes. Sound lounges/tables can even be too much. Always ask the individual you’re working with to let you know if a sound is too much and pay close attention to any reactions they exhibit during the session.
It is also critical to never have someone make the sound of how they are feeling if they have been having panic attacks.
There are so many people who are suffering intense fear and suffering and the only help they know of is drugs. – And, the drugs ultimately create a deficiency in the system that then make the panic attacks worse.
Treatments include any consistent sounds, going to the home note, slow fades, and positive intentions. Here are some more specific techniques for those that aren’t extremely sensitive:
Listen to relaxing music
Do some testing to find the music that really works for them. Help them put together a playlist of songs they can listen to on their own.
Play an instrument that sustains
Play a crystal bowl. Tone with it if you like. Be sure to hold the silence for at least five minutes after the bowl fades out.
Make sound both for them and on them
If they can handle it, have them also to toning, chants, and mantras per day. See if they are willing to do it as homework.
Send love to the heart
Teaching your client how to send the sound of love their own heart is beautiful. Generally, it comes out as a really soft, sweet sound – sometimes even as a song. When helping others with this technique, I will actually sing along with them softly.
To really help anchor this energy of love so it can be easily accessed, I will sometimes listen for what note the person goes to when they start singing. This is most likely the key of love for that person. When this happens, I will often then create a CD in that key (I have a few of my songs in every key). I tell them to sing along with the CD and send love to their heart whenever they are feeling anxious.
Do a chakra treatment
I have also found that using sound on chakras will get rid of a panic attack completely. Let me say this again a little bolder:
Using sound on chakras gets rid of panic attacks
I explain a technique in detail for doing a sound treatment on the chakras in Chapter 56, The Sound of Chakras.
Instruments on the body
They help bring you back into your body. Bringing awareness to the physical body can be extremely helpful as it gets them out of the head.
- Use tuning forks on the spine, chest and feet. If you know the specific acupuncture points, put the forks on the appropriate ones. I recommend lower frequency forks below 120 hertz for this.
- Sound lounges / tables – Sound tables with the right music are extremely effective for diminishing anxiety. The lounges have been used for First Responders and have been proven to overcome severe anxiety.
Once you get a person into a place of peace, it may be effective to start to look at ways to use sound to deal with specific triggers. We cover many techniques in Chapter 62, Holding Frequency. It is always important to gauge whether the individual is ready and willing to face their triggers. If a person is very fragile, they very likely may not have the capacity yet.
My favorite technique is to imagine that the anxiety is completely gone forever. What would it feel like. Then, make the sound of that feeling.
From a higher perspective, you are not the anxiety. Identify with something that is a stable and consistent peaceful vibration such as your Soul, Spirit or Point of Awareness. Then you are at peace separate from the anxiety.

The consistent peaceful vibrations easily overcome any anxiety, no matter how strong. The lounges have been used with over 4000 first responders and have been proven to overcome severe anxiety. However, if someone is really sensitive, fragile or subject to having panic attacks then the vibration could be too much. Always test the amount of vibration and volume in the room or headphones when working with someone that is really sensitive.
The key to treatments for depression is activation. However, if you start with activating sounds or music, it can be too much for the individual to handle. Ideally, the best approach is to match your client’s energy and gradually transform to complete activation. Take your time in the transforming process – anywhere between ten to twenty minutes.
Music can be very helpful for treating depression. The CDs/downloads that I have that suit this specific need are the following: Anti-Depressant, Depression Relief and Low Mood. Here’s the link to listen to Low Mood:
You can also help them create a playlist of their favorite activating songs to use.
Anything that gets them moving their body is helpful, especially playing an instrument. Drums and gongs are especially activating.
Sounds on the body can be profoundly effective at breaking up depressive energy. I believe it is best to play as strong of vibrations on the body as they can handle to get them going.
Finding the cause of the depression itself can also be helpful. Making the sound of how it feels can help empower them. It is important to be delicate in these cases, as there could be a serious trauma that has contributed to the depression. As always, if over your head, get help.
Have your client imagine what it would be like to never be depressed again, and make the sound of it.
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The consistent peaceful vibrations easily overcome any anxiety, no matter how strong. The lounges have been used with over 4000 first responders and have been proven to overcome severe anxiety. However, if someone is really sensitive, fragile or subject to having panic attacks then the vibration could be too much. Always test the amount of vibration and volume in the room or headphones when working with someone that is really sensitive.
There are two types of grief that are dealt with differently: the kind of grief where the person is not feeling anything, and the kind where they are stuck in it over a long period of time.
If someone has just had a major loss, I feel that is best to not do anything to help them ‘get over it.’ I think it is better to just resonate the sadness at that point. You can talk to them about where they are headed, which I believe is gratitude.
If they are shut down though, you can do a series of exercises to get them comfortable making sound. Then work with them to make the sound of the grief.
If they have been grieving over a person for a really long time, have them bring up all the things about the person they are grateful for. From there, have them make the sound of that gratitude. Let them know they have the power to shift the grief to gratitude whenever they feel it has been going on too long.
I also like to create a letting go ceremony with sound that ends in perfect stillness. It’s not only OK, it’s perfect.

The consistent peaceful vibrations easily overcome any anxiety, no matter how strong. The lounges have been used with over 4000 first responders and have been proven to overcome severe anxiety. However, if someone is really sensitive, fragile or subject to having panic attacks then the vibration could be too much. Always test the amount of vibration and volume in the room or headphones when working with someone that is really sensitive.
You would think that screaming out your anger with a gong might be the best. However, the latest in anger therapies show that it can just bring it up and resonate it. When I make the sound of anger, I then start thinking about all the things I am angry about. Yet, if a person is feeling disempowered and is afraid to express themselves, screaming might just be the remedy.
The key is to then move to a higher emotion such as gratitude or love. Sending the sound of love to whom or what you are upset with can be very effective in overcoming the anger.
I believe the number one antidote for anger is compassion. We discuss how to do compassion and its sound in Chapter 62. A fellow sound healer feels that the antidote is going into love and light. She believes it is really hard to mitigate anger when operating from a 3D perspective. Therefore, the more you can get someone who is angry into compassion or love and light the better. Often from this perspective anger no longer makes sense.
Of course, there are times when it is important to set boundaries. I really like the practice of telling my clients, Imagine you have a tiger attacking you and you have the power with your voice to stop it in its tracks. You’re not going to hurt the kitty. You are only going to set boundaries. Now, on three (which is always four), scream, ‘No’ with full power. I then demonstrate, warning them beforehand that I’m going to get really loud). Then, I have them do it. To be in your power but not above them where you are upset or angry at all.
I then have them send love, while screaming no. This can be quite difficult actually. I imagine the boundaries at my solar plexus, while the love is coming from heart at the same time. I then demonstrate, and then have them practice doing it.
I let them know that that is their homework. If ever not feeling good enough, let out a really loud and powerful, No!
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Obviously, the key to sleep is finding sounds and music that are extremely relaxing.
Sound on the body with tuning forks or Tibetan bowls can be quite effective. Vibroacoustics such as the Sound Lounge or Sound Table are also extremely effective because they help get the physical body back to homeostasis.
As mentioned, there are many research projects that show the effectiveness of using binaural beats within the range of 0.5 to 3.5 hertz to entrain the brain into Delta for sleep – particularly when the binaural beats are tuned to the person by doing a brainwave assessment.
The research also shows that by reducing the amount of stress in the body and mind throughout the day, the body is better able to drop into deep sleep at night. This means using sound (or any other technique you like) to get to a place of peace multiple times throughout the day.
There are many research projects (particularly those by Jeffrey Thompson) that show the effectiveness of using Binaural Beats within the range of .5 to 4 hertz to entrain the brain into Delta for sleep — particularly when the Binaural Beats are tuned to you by doing a brainwave assessment. Besides using the music and VibroAcoustics before bedtime, the research also shows that by reducing the amount of stress in the body and mind throughout the day, the body is better able to drop into deep sleep at night.

Ed Rupert uses the Sound Lounge for First Responders who are in crisis in Colorado. Ed has contracts with over 75% of the Police and Fire Stations in Colorado. If anyone has a crisis (like about to commit suicide) Ed brings the Sound Lounge out in a van and puts them on it. He has now saved 150 lives in the last year. Because of this, the lounges are now being placed in over 75 ER units throughout Colorado.
One of our students is using the Sound Lounge for PTSD treatments in the VA hospital in Sacramento, California and has had practically a 100% success rate in dramatically transforming the PTSD.
When working with any trauma or PTSD, it is critical to be very careful not to re-trigger the trauma. The answers to intake questions can give you a good idea of how ready someone is to dive in. For example, someone may not at all be ready to make the sound of the trauma, whereas others might finally be ready to do so.
Maybe all you do for many (or all) sessions get them to a peaceful place. Those with serious trauma often don’t know how to relax.
No matter what, it is critical to develop a connection and trust with the person you’re working with. This can be done through discussion around the intake questions. This can also be done by starting with a sound journey to get them to a still point.
Some patients you work with may be completely shut down emotionally. In this case, you might spend quite a few sessions doing call and response exercises to get them comfortable making sound. After that, work up to having them make the sound of how they are feeling in the moment. Demonstrate yourself first. Then, once you have developed a good rapport, you might slowly delve into expressing the feelings behind the trauma with sound. Proceed with caution.
At this point, it is also good to use sound desensitizing techniques where you make stable and consistent sounds of peace and harmony while focusing on the trauma. Chapter 62 on Holding Frequency covers this in detail.
I have found that sound on the body is extremely effective.
Ed Rupert in Colorado (at uses the sound lounge for First Responders who are in crisis. Ed has contracts with over 75% of the police and fire stations in Colorado. If anyone has a crisis (e.g. is on the verge of committing suicide), Ed brings the Sound Lounge out on a van and lays them on it. Since he began using the sound lounge, he has now saved over 300 lives.
One of our students uses the sound lounge for PTSD treatments in the VA hospital in Sacramento, California and has had practically a 100% success rate in transforming PTSD.
Tuning forks or Tibetan bowls on the body could be just as effective at facilitating this shift.
Seeing trauma from a different (cognitive) or higher perspective (Spiritual) is the ultimate answer. You could help them rewrite the story. Ultimately, you are not the trauma. You are a stable consistent vibration.

Music has been proven to enhance intelligence, learning and IQ, reading and literary skills, spatial-temporal reasoning, mathematical abilities, emotional intelligence, memory performance, concentration and attention. Tuning the music to a person’s natural brainwave rhythms when they are at rest make the brainwave entrainment even more effective.
As discussed in detail in the Brainwave Section, tuning binaural beats in beta to a person is extremely effective for the most common type of ADD referred to as Classic ADD. I assume it would be helpful for the other types but it would be nice to do some detailed research. Here’s the list of ADD types:
- Classic ADD
- Inattentive ADD
- Over-focused ADD
- Temporal Lobe ADD
- Limbic ADD
- Anxious ADD
- Ring of Fire ADD (ADD Plus)

Brain injuries create chaotic rhythms across the brain. Tuning the music and Binaural Beat brainwave rhythms to the natural rhythm of the person’s brain’s before the injury has been incredibly effective in getting the brain back to its own natural healthy consistent rhythm — dramatically increasing recovery time. Doing a Brainwave Assessment then playing music on the Sound Lounge/Table for each of the brainwave states of Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma tuned to the person is one of the best ways to get the person back to where they can focus and enjoy smooth flow of energy through the brain.
Brain injuries create chaotic rhythms across the brain. Tuning the music and binaural beat rhythms to the natural rhythm of the person’s brain before the injury has been incredibly effective in getting the brain back to its own natural healthy consistent rhythm — dramatically increasing recovery time.
Doing a Brainwave Assessment then playing music on the sound lounge/table for each of the brainwave states of Delta, Theta, Alpha, beta and Gamma tuned to the person is one of the best ways to get them back to where they can focus and enjoy smooth flow of energy throughout the brain.
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The Sound Therapy Center has had amazing results just by putting individuals on the Sound Lounge/Table who have had strokes.
The Sound Lounge/Table is the best for restoring flow through the whole nervous system and brain. Music tuned to you is the best way to get the brain back into its natural, consistent rhythm.
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Getting someone to a place of peace and stillness is the most important aspect of working with addiction. Since, the person you’re working with might be anxious or quite fragile, pay close attention to what music or sounds work best. Getting them to play instruments is always good, too.
Having the individual express emotions with sound can be really transformative. Often those dealing with addiction have guilt that needs to be released.
We have found that getting them in their body with sounds is the most effective tool of all. The sound lounges/tables have been dramatically effective for recovery in many rehab centers.
Brainwave Entrainment tuned to them can overcome the chaotic vibrations in the brain.
Many believe addiction is a reaction to a loss of a connection to Spirit. The individual is just bored to death. Any way you can lead them into the realm of love and light can be the ultimate transformation.
They might even be interested in creating a new lifestyle around working with sound.

There are two different approaches based on the stage of the dementia.
Beginning Stages
Find the music and instrument sounds they loved and love now. Try a full range of sounds and sound healing music and see how they respond. It is well known that playing music they loved in their earlier years can wake them up, but there are also many sound healing CDs they might just love.
In the early stages of dementia, the goal is activation in order to create more blood flow to the brain. This can mean finding the most activating sounds and music that they can handle. Of course, be careful not to overwhelm them.
The truth is any sounds or music they love are good. Take detailed notes.
Playing an instrument is the ideal way to activate the brain. Again, watch closely to see what instruments they gravitate towards.
Sound on the body can be really important for getting them into the present moment. Even, just tuning forks on the bottom of the feet can help. Again, watch what works while they are in the early stages.
Teach them how to communicate non-verbally with sound. You might have to do quite a lot of call and response before you can get them to make the sound of how they feel.
Later Stages
Now that you have watched closely in the early stages, you now know what to use for the later stages whether it be applying sounds, music, playing sounds on the body, and so forth. And, now they know how to communicate without words.
If you didn’t have the opportunity to work with them in the earlier stages, still find what works the best and take really good notes.
Binaural beats tuned to the person could be the most effective of all. The tricky part is getting them to listen long enough.
Ultimately, with some research, we should know precisely what frequencies will melt the plaque in the brain that is causing the dementia. The potential is huge.
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The level on the spectrum determines the type of treatment you do. Often, those high on the spectrum can be hyper-sensitive and cannot handle hardly any sounds. Pay close attention at all times to see if the sounds are triggering someone.
The first step is to find music and sounds they love. Do a short test of any sound before launching into a session.
Jeffrey Thompson’s research shows that Brainwave Entrainment tuned to them is the most effective.
Sound on the body can be incredibly effective if the individual can handle it.
Using non-verbal communication to mirror their emotions can be very helpful. If high on the spectrum, the goal is to establish an emotional connection without using any words.

There are a few research papers on the subject. Three of our previous students have used a variety of sound healing treatments, including Sound Tables/Lounges, and now no longer have fibromyalgia.
The National Institute of Health has done a study on using sound tables to treat fibromyalgia and has shown their effectiveness. Three of our previous students have used a variety of sound healing treatments, including sound tables/lounges and now no longer have fibromyalgia.

There are a few research papers on the subject. Three of our previous students have used a variety of sound healing treatments, including Sound Tables/Lounges, and now no longer have fibromyalgia.

There are a few research papers on the subject. Three of our previous students have used a variety of sound healing treatments, including Sound Tables/Lounges, and now no longer have fibromyalgia.

There are a few research papers on the subject. Three of our previous students have used a variety of sound healing treatments, including Sound Tables/Lounges, and now no longer have fibromyalgia.

Of course, we (or you) can never claim that something as inexpensive as sound could actually cure a disease. However, there are so many stories to share from people that have had cancer completely disappear and go into remission and never return from these kinds of practices.
You can work with sound emotionally or physically. The potential in the near future to explode cancer cells with sound looks extremely promising. In fact, we are on the threshold.
As previously mentioned, you can use sound to explode cells by matching and transmitting a sound at a loud volume to the cell. As mentioned, this technique requires technology since the voice is not loud enough to create destructive resonance
The best approach with the voice is to create binaural beats around the core frequency of the disease in order to break it up or destroy the cells. As previously discussed, in order to break glass with sound, you match the glass’ frequency with the voice, then go up and down just above and below it (vibrato works for this as well). The difference frequency between your voice and wine glass breaks the glass.
Using this technique has proven to be effective for many.
Let me tell this story in more detail. One of our previous instructors at the Institute had a tumor in her breast that was about a millimeter in diameter. She decided to go to the woods for a month and work on the tumor. She focused her voice on the tumor and when she hit the right frequency, she felt the tumor heating up. She then intuitively moved her voice up and down, above and below the frequency that was causing the tumor to heat up. She also had her friend play the didgeridoo right on her tumor. The didgeridoo also has a frequency that goes up and down a bit – particularly when the player produces a growling sound.
A couple of months after her excursion, she went in for surgery. Before surgery they did another x-ray. The doctor then told her that something was wrong with the x-ray machine and they had to perform another x-ray. The doctor then came back and said that there was no sign of the tumor – it was completely gone. As of the date of the writing of this book, the tumor has been gone for over ten years now.
I used to get treatments from this psychic who was really powerful. She would mentally go inside my body and take out stuck energy. One day I asked her, What the hell are you doing in there? She said that she could see the stuck energy as a frequency, and that she would “rock it” loose. Again, it occurred to me that she was do a small frequency sweep up and down, above and below the frequency of the stuck energy.
These are just three pieces of evidence, including the science on how sound explodes a wine glass with binaural beats, that point to binaural beats breaking up diseases and stuck energy.
Therefore, the key is to first find the frequency of the object or body part, and then simply go up and down in pitch, above and below this frequency. If you can sing with vibrato that will work also (in fact, the actual speed of the vibrato might also have to do with it). Additionally, don’t forget to ask for help from higher powers (if appropriate) and set your intention for the treatment to work.
Another well-known sound healer in the field claims that simply playing each of the notes in an octave will break up certain diseases. He says that cancer cells are very brittle because they have lost their elasticity and flexibility. Therefore, the sound frequencies simply break the cells up as they hit the resonant frequencies of the cells. He also has photographs of cancer cells being destroyed by these sounds.
Anthony Holland did a Ted Talk where he shows four different types of cancer being exploded with frequencies.
Check it out here:
However, in this case, he is only destroying the cancer cells on average about 40% of the time. I believe if we were to use the Raman Spectroscopy electron microscope, we could find the entire harmonic content of a cell and explode the cancer cells 100% of the time.
I really believe this is the future of medicine – 100% effective treatments without side effects.
Although destroying cancer cells with sound is light years better than radiation or chemotherapy, we are still not focusing on the cause of the cancer. As we have previously discussed, the cause of most disease is likely emotional issues. Therefore, the important work is emotional.
I have come to believe (but don’t know for certain) that most cancer is caused by disempowerment. The number one cause of this being fear. Therefore, I commonly have people do the No exercise we discussed earlier. They can set boundaries against the lower emotions that are causing the turmoil. They could just set boundaries against fear itself with a really loud, No.
One woman I worked with said she was doing fine with the cancer. The problem was that everyone around was freaking out. So, we did the exercise and set boundaries for everyone else’s fear.
Ultimately, I believe all healing will focus on raising a person’s consciousness so that the diseases do not happen in the first place.

If there is an injury, the Sound Lounge’s consistent vibrations will help overcome the chaotic vibration of the injury, and the music helps relax the mind so the fastest possible healing can take place.
However, the most effective treatment for injury is to use the Cymatic Frequency CDs with the Bass Pod/Belt placed on the affected area (if not too sensitive). The effectiveness is profound for not only overcoming pain, but also resonating that part of the body back into its healthy state before the injury happened.

The Sound Healing Research Foundation did research with 12 Parkinson’s patients using VibroAcoustic Therapy. Symptoms were reduced on average by 75%. While it is not a cure for Parkinson’s, it was found that those that purchased the lounge were able to sleep better at night and get off of their medications. Vibrating the body with sound is especially effective for any muscular or neurological issues.
We did clinical research at the Institute with twelve Parkinson’s patients. We played the song, Water of Life, on the sound lounge for twenty minutes for each participant. All but one of the patients experienced complete relief from their tremors. It also freed up frozen muscles. The results lasted an average of twenty-four hours.
My song, Unconditional Love, even works in headphones without the sound table. One patient uses the CD, Journey through the Matrix alongside his daily Qi Gong practice and is reporting a 70% reduction in symptoms.
Sound on the body is so important.
While it is not a cure for Parkinson’s, the people that used the lounges daily were able to reduce or get off of their meds and get a good night’s sleep.
Ultimately, I have a theory that if we were to tune the binaural beats to the rhythm of their tremors or to the same frequency they use in Deep Brain Stimulation surgery, we might find dramatic results.
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The powerful transducers embedded in the foam send healing low frequency vibrations throughout every part of your body.
Cooshie Connection – Made with a top of layer of memory foam, our Sound Lounges are the cooshiest ever. The memory foam creates a full body print for optimum comfort and wraps around your body so you get maximum contact and transmission of the vibrations into the body. Upon simply lying down on the Sound Lounge, people commonly experience an “Ahhh” moment due to just how comfy it is (even before the sound is turned on).
Golden Mean Ratios – All of the speakers are mounted based on Golden Mean ratios found in the Fibonacci sequence. This is the most common mathematical pattern in living organisms so your body instantly recognizes these Sacred Geometry patterns found in nature and throughout your own body — and relaxes even further.
Transformation – The Sound Lounge is profoundly effective for a wide range of issues beyond just relaxation. It is being used by some of our customers with First Responders and Veterans from the VA and has changed their lives completely. It has been extremely effective for muscular pain, fibromyalgia, neurological issues, and Parkinson’s. It has also been really helpful for anxiety. CLICK HERE to see more detail about all the issues it can help.
If you have anything going on emotionally it will be gone within 10 minutes — both mentally/emotionally and physically.
Profound Stillness – The frequencies and energy in David’s music is not only profoundly healing, but it will get you really high. People commonly access higher states of consciousness such as Universal Love and Oneness … and are commonly brought to tears. The stillness in the body, mind and emotions when the music fades out is precious. CLICK HERE to read more about David’s music.
3 Versions
The Classic and Pro Versions come with an adjustable cot. You can lay it down flat, which is best when using the Pillow or Dolphin on top of you. You can also lay on your stomach to get the vibration on your belly. The cot can also be adjusted so it sits up like a lounge. The dimensions of the mat is 80″ x 30″ x 9″. All mats and cots fold in half for easy transport or for storage.
1. Classic Lounge – Excellent for home use.
2. Pro Lounge – Made with Medical Grade Neoprene that is easy to wipe down. Best for Professional use.
3. The Portable Mat – Exactly the same as the Classic or Pro versions but doesn’t come with a cot to lay it on. You can lay the mat on the floor, on a massage table, or on your bed.
How it Works
You use a player (CD player, Computer, MP3 Player) to play back the music. The player is split so one side goes to the amp for the Lounge, and the other side goes to Headphones or a Stereo System. Therefore, you listen to the music normally and the Bass of the song vibrates the Lounge. We sell a WAV Player with all of our music already embedded. We also sell headphones and stereo systems (SEE ACCESSORIES BELOW). We provide detailed instructions on setting up your Sound Lounge, but we can also walk you through the set-up process on the phone or on Zoom.
“I spent 20 minutes on the sound lounge and I was able to release my emotions of anxiety and stress. I felt connected to the bigger picture and little worries slipped away.” – Alex
“Oh My God… My whole body is vibrating and I feel completely at peace — both physically and emotionally. I saw this purple light actually come down into my body and healed my whole body. This was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had. I’m in tears” – Jonathan
“My sciatica is now gone and I don’t have to go into surgery tomorrow.” – Janis
Testimonial Video (lots of blissed out people) ——–>

A Sound Table is a massage table with powerful low frequency transducers mounted in sacred geometry ratios on the bottom of the table. As a result, the table acts like a subwoofer vibrating healing low frequencies throughout every cell of your body. It is similar to the Sound Lounge but has two advantages:
1. You can do massage on the table while being vibrated.
2. You can place the Biomat on top so you get the energy of the Amethyst Crystals and heart warming infrared heat.
Optionally, the low frequency transducers may be mounted on your own massage table. We provide detailed instructions or if local, we can do it for you.
The speakers on the bottom of the massage tables are quite thin so the table will still fold up with the speakers inside for easy transportation (or so you can put it away when needed).
“I’ve never felt so relaxed after getting a massage on the sound table. It’s like getting a massage on the outside and inside at the same time.” – Aurelio
“I was laying on the Sound Table being vibrated sweetly when the visuals on the ceiling came alive and did a sacred geometry dance above me… then went into my body and did a healing. This place is amazing.” – Pamela

Pillows embedded with powerful subwoofer transducers.
Each are effective as standalone vibrational devices (without a Sound Lounge or Table). A less expensive way to get started with vibration.
When used with Sound Lounge or Table you are completely enveloped in sound and vibration as you are sandwiched between the two. It feels soooo good.
The Sound Pillow has bigger speakers and with stronger vibration which is better for music
The Sound Dolphin still has a lot of vibration, but also has more high frequencies in it which is better for the Cymatic Frequency CDs. Of course, the Dolphin has the cuteness factor going for it.
One of our students has a Sound Healing performance center where she has 15 Sound Pillows laying on the floor connected to the mixer. So all live and recorded sound comes through the Pillows during the Sound Bath. People lay on the floor holding the Pillows and Bliss Out.
“The Sound Pillow is so powerful. I love hugging it whenever I have anything going on in my system. Wipes it out completely.
– Jonathan
“My daughter was never able to sleep on her own. Now she sleeps like a baby while holding the Dolphin” – Joan



If you have pain… imagine it gone.
Powerful low frequency transducers that can be applied to a specific part of the body. You can play music through the devices, but normally, they are used with the Cymatics Frequency CD’s/Downloads. The devices come with 4 Cymatic CD’s.
We have CDs for: Arthritis, Asthma, Bones, Brain, Chronic Fatigue, Circulatory System, Depression Relief, Digestion, Endocrine System, Muscles, Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments and Respiratory System. These are the most well researched frequencies on the planet.
Bass Belt
Full range Mini Subwoofers encased in a durable/comfortable wearable belt. The Speakers are adjustable in order to focus the sound on specific organs, vertebrae, chakras, or acupuncture points. The belt may be worn so the speakers are on the front or back of the body or wrapped around any other part of the body. It is especially effective on the lower back or shoulders. It is also incredibly effective on the bottom of the feet (the bottom of the feet have been shown to be one of the best places to get sound into the whole body).
Comes in 2, 4, or 6 speaker versions. The 2 speakers are best for the arms, legs and feet. The 4 speaker version is best for the abdomen, chest, shoulders or back. The 6 version speaker versions are not only good doing the front and back of the body at once.
Bass Pod
The applicator is held in the hands so you can apply healing sounds and music to specific organs and parts of the body. You can also strap the applicator to any specific part of the body so you don’t have to hold it. It is ideal for applying the frequencies in the Cymatics CD’s. It has a huge amount of bass for a small speaker.
Bass Vest
6 Speakers on the front and 6 on the back. You are enveloped in sound and vibration while also listening to headphones . It is amazingly healing with the Cymatic Frequency CDs vibrating through your whole body, and is a profound mystical experience with David’s music.
“I got whiplash 2 years ago and have had pain between 7 and 9 everyday. After 20 minutes with the Bass Pod it was down to 2. This is a miracle” – Stephen
“I fell off of a deck and have had 4 surgeries in the last year on my leg. After 15 minutes this is the first time that I have felt no pain and can walk without a limp.” – George
“The pain in my lower back is now completely gone after 5 minutes. How come the world doesn’t know about this device.” – Anita
“The vest took me to a place of profound bliss… and now my whole body is still vibrating.” – Orlando

A mat filled with Amethyst crystals. It transmits the sound from underneath the Sound Table through to your body efficiently… while triggering the electromagnetics of the crystals to create a pulsing electromagnetic field perfectly in synch with the music.
High-Tech Negative Ion and Infrared Ray Treatment System that facilitates the body’s own ability to rejuvenate. Far infrared is part of the spectrum of light emanating from the sun. Far infrared is not visible to the eye, but you feel it as heat penetrating into your skin. You may be familiar with the infrared heat lamps sometimes used in bathrooms. Far infrared produces heat in a similar fashion, but is much more efficient because it penetrates even deeper into the skin. Far infrared light and its therapeutic properties have been studied in China and Japan for over twenty years and are now beginning to become very popular in the United States. Far infrared is very helpful for healing the skin, blood circulation, and skin cell revitalization.
“The infrared warmth from the Biomat on top of the Sound Table makes you never want to get up. I’m also very intuitive and can feel the energy of the sound activating the amethyst crystals. It’s like being enveloped this magic field of light” – Angelika
“The only problem with the Biomat is that clients don’t want to get up after the session is over. They just love the warmth emanating from the crystals. We have to peal them off sometimes” – Jackson (Spa Owner).

Synchronize flashing light Brainwave Entrainment to the Music
These devices create amazing colors and geometrical shapes that enhance the music tremendously. Your brain also creates its own amazing colors and geometrical shapes. Extremely helpful for Depression. The flashing lights are very activating and can be too much for those who are very fragile or for anyone who has had seizures.

Plug the sound and music into the input of the unit so the light synchronizes. The best brainwave entrainment possible.
It is based on an ancient system of meditation that uses visual objects to focus the mind. MindPlace Kasina induces similar positive mood shifting effects.
Designed so that you can keep your eyes open or closed during a session.
Although you can create your own sessions, most people use the 70+ preset sessions, with more available to download free on
Meditation aid – access deeply tranquil states
- Quiet the “Monkey Mind”
Focus and attention trainer
Break undesirable states – like anger
Facilitate accelerated learning
Mood shifter – change your mind
Access altered states of consciousness
Stunning audio-visual experience – wow factor

A fully functional vibrational therapy system. It’s a computer based software/hardware system that represents the next generation of light and sound devices that far surpassed those of the past, which can coordinate and synchronize any form of vibrational therapy or device into a timed, push-button session. Light, sound, frequency, music, color, em fields, and other forms of vibration can be programmed and then fed back to users by RGB light diodes, headphones, speakers, monitors, projectors, coils and other forms of vibrational devices.
The Sensorium LSV II is comprised of a software package and several pieces of hardware. The software can run on either Windows or Mac platforms.
This is a packaged version of the Sensorium that includes the Hardware Interface, Software, Headphones and Light Diode Glasses.
“My depression is gone.” – Andre
“Who needs drugs? The visuals are unbelievable. And then you feel like a different person.” – Randy.
“My third eye just opened like never before.” – Lucia

These devices hook up to the Sound Lounge/Table and the music plays through the device creating Scalar Waves throughout the room. Scalar waves are resonant frequencies in the quantum field. They are know to activate that brain and help one to access higher states of consciousness like Oneness and Unity Consciousness. They are extremely helpful for Anxiety and Depression.

The Rodin Coil initially discovered its principles by Marko Rodin is been developed after by Randy Powell, Russ Gries and more recently by Daniel and Erica Nuñez from, although the project comprehend a lot more people helping the project to grow. The Rodin Coil defines the conservation of momentum and energy.
The coil somehow stimulates the bodily area exposed to its field and induces an increased healing effect. Its field seems to stimulate the body’s natural inherent healthy state of being.
The physical body is but an extension of the etheric body. The etheric body is the energy body, also called the subtle body. This etheric body can be seen as a template containing all the information for not only the development of a growing body, but also its perfect healthy state in all aspects, for cells, circulatory systems, organs etc. This information is always there, present in the etheric body. The physical components, like the atoms and molecules we absorb by food, drink and breathing, use this information to go to the right places to form and maintain the physical body. Disease and ailments happen many ways. Physical toxins can enter our body, or emotional traumas cause constrictions in the energy flow of the etheric body resulting in corresponding physical ailments, because the physical body always follows the etheric body. That is why true, lasting healing always must happen on the energy level first.
The Rodin coil works on the etheric body, strongly stimulating the original healthy pattern that is always present but often obscured by traumas, negative energetic influences, or physical obstructions like toxins. When the healthy pattern in the etheric energy body is strongly stimulated, it will have a strong effect on the physical components of the body, nudging them into the same healthy pattern.

The Miracle IQube uses sophisticated technologies to create coherent (consistent) frequencies that transform an entire room including everybody in the room. Based on information from “higher beings” the IQube uses “tesla-like” coils to activate inert noble gases. A frequency (actually a specific array of frequencies) of love is transmitted through the coils through the noble gases into the room. You can also imprint water or food with the frequencies.
It also includes one of the most sophisticated voice analysis programs on the planet. You speak into a microphone and it analyzes the harmonics within your voice and determines which frequencies are missing. It then sends the frequencies through the coils and noble gases into the room. Again, you can also set water or food on the device and get them imprinted with the frequencies you need!
As well, the unit comes with specific heart opening music that is also transmitted through the coil and gases into the room. This music has been designed to open your heart. You can also play your own music through the device.
The Miracle IQube lifts you to a new level beyond where you are stuck. It works by entraining you to theta love frequencies that are designed to awaken your heart & elevate your consciousness to Love & above. These “high” frequencies help to remove blocks by entraining you into unconditional love and peace.
The IQube is based on the science of entrainment, resonance, sacred scalar vortex action, sound frequencies, structured water and inert noble gases. The Miracle IQube combines our proprietary frequencies and formulas to complement, elevate and support your existing spiritual and health practices.
The Miracle IQube dissolves and dissipates fear, anger and anxiety so you are free to experience greater love and effortless well-being. This instrument is a gateway. It runs 24×7 in your home as an environmental and emotional cleanser. Each Miracle IQube creates an arc which spans 2,000 miles and is equal to 4,400 meditators. Each new Miracle Iqube amps up the energy field for all of the members of the community. It is the high speed elevator to higher states of consciousness!
Rodin Coil
My intestinal cramps were getting worse to the point that I had them almost everyday. I discovered I had become lactose intolerant and fructose intolerant. I couldn’t eat fruit anymore. I couldn’t eat much either. Not to mention that I didn’t feel that good. They usually call it Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and I guess I had some big ulcer or something like that.
In August my Rodin coil arrived, and used it on my belly for 20 minutes, twice a day. After one month the intestinal cramps had disappeared completely. My belly felt good, and I had a great appetite again. I could eat big meals again without any problems. I can eat fruit again. I find this amazing, because nothing else had worked before.
I also developed a lot of pain in my knee joint and muscles down my leg, because of an infection of a certain microbe. It was so bad, I could hardly walk. I had tried the MMS and a pulser but there was no improvement at all. Then I used the Rodin coil on my knee for almost an entire day, on and off as I had to go outside frequently. The next day, my knee area was better for about 80-90%! I kept up the same regime for about a week and a half, during which improvement was more gradual. This was probably due to the fact that the damage to the nerves and cartilage/bone is more difficult to repair. After two weeks my knee was completely normal. Again, to me this is an amazingly fast healing.
What I also noticed was, that my vision has improved. Not that much (at this point I have used the coil for about a month and a half, but my vision is now definitely sharper. In the beginning of August the text on my computer screen was so fuzzy I had to use my close-up glasses, because I couldn’t read the text anymore with my normal glasses. Now, with my normal glasses, the text is sharp. My wife, who also has used the coil, has noticed the same.
A week or so later a sensitive spot appeared again, on my knee cap. I used the coil again most of the day, and the next day it was gone.
Miracle Iqube
What is my happiness worth? It is worth having waited half of my life for this…A moment of Presence makes all the years worth it.” Elizabeth Gilliam, Acupuncturist , North Carolina
As soon as you step into the field generated by Miracle Iqube it is just amped up. You must have this in your home to keep the energy high.” Henrik Cervin, Naples, Florida
Happiness is just flowing through the whole house. Not just for me. My husband is happy too. I am getting so expansive. This has made such a huge difference in my home.” Louella Minogue, Canada
I felt a deep sense of peace. Everything in the world is in order.” Ellen Burkett, Colorado
I am absolutely living in a state of unconditional love. When you truly open your heart without condition a whole physiological change happens. There is something so deep within you that happens. You touch oneness. The Theta Love is an enhancement. It provides the doorway to open the heart and the mind. In the past we did not have a way to anchor a high vibration. It is like moving from a love vibration of 200 to 1,500 in a matter of moments, days and weeks. You don’t have to understand it. Let’s just embrace it.” Bill Little, Canada
The Miracle IQube is about the gradual upliftment, heart opening and awakening of humanity by conscious entrainment with coherent instruments– The Miracle IQube will dissolve the yo-yo effect of the highs and lows of the endless seeking for transformation, enlightenment, even passion to a consistent and stable experience of love & joy.

We provide free tech support to figure out any problems if something were to go awry.
All products are guaranteed for 6 months. If there is every a problem and it needs to be shipped back, we will pay for the shipping. If overseas, we will try and help you get it repaired so you don’t have to ship it back.
You can return items within 1 month for a full refund (return shipping not included) if bought online. Items bought at the physical store may only be exchanged for other items in the store. All items must be in new condition. If a product includes labor or instructions on how to install speakers on a Sound Table, there is no refund.
For all of our vibrational tools, the sound and music comes from a CD player, Computer, WAV or MP3 Player, or phone. The signal is split so one goes to the amplifier for the vibrational device. The other side of the splitter goes to headphones, a stereo system or a 5.1 surround sound system. We also can mount transducers or speakers in walls or floors, if desired. We not only provide detailed instructions on how to hook everything up, but we can also walk you through it on the phone or zoom.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions or need support in building your own sound space for your home or spa.
WAV Player with our 24 Songs Embedded – Highest quality sound — same quality as a CD (better than MP3 player)
Headphones – The best ones for our music.
Stereo System – So you don’t have to wear headphones (but still can if you like). Excellent for when doing massage at the same time.
Surround Sound System – The most immersive. Five speakers.
Speaker Stands – Small stands to put the speakers on.
Sound Healing Classes – Learn how Sound Healing works so you can explain it to people.
Sound Lounges
All Lounges come with the following:
Lounge Mat – With 4 Transducers mounted inside.
Cot – Height adjustable and can sit up or lay down.
Amplifier – Plenty of power to rock your boat. Of course, comes with all cables to hook it up.
4 CDs/Downloads – CDs by David Gibson that are unbelievably effective, beautiful and heart opening. Let us know if you would like physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Normally comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening
2. Unconditional Love
3. Enlightenment
4. Calm Sleep
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

• Lounge Mat (with 4 Transducers)
• Cot
• Amp
• 4 CDs/Downloads
• Tech Support

• Lounge Mat with Medical Grade Neoprene Cover for easy cleaning
• Cot
• Amp
• 4 CDs/Downloads
• Tech Support

Pro Sound Lounge (with Cot, Amp, CDs, Tech Support)
WAV Player with Pre-Loaded Music
– 12 Music CD’s specifically designed for the Lounge with maximum bass. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
– 12 Cymatic Frequency CDs – For issues ranging from Muscles to Endocrine Glands. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
Professional Headphones – Ideal headphones for David’s music and the lounge combination.
Sound Pillow or Dolphin – Get sandwiched with Vibration
4 Pod Battery Powered Bass Belt – Can be used with the lounge but normally used separately. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)
Sound Healing Orientation Class – 13 Classes on how Sound Healing works so you can explain how the Sound Lounge works to your clients. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)
Same as the Lounges above without the cot. 4″ vibration sensitive foam mattress for use on your massage table, the floor or on your bed. You can get the Classic or Pro Version.
Classic Mat – $1980
Pro Mat – $2700
Includes Mat, Amp, CDs/Downloads, and Tech Support
Sound Tables
The Sound Table is a massage table with transducers mounted on the bottom.
All Sound Tables come with the following:
Amplifier – Plenty of power to rock your boat. Of course, comes with all cables to hook it up.
4 CDs/Downloads – CDs by David Gibson that are unbelievably effective, beautiful and heart opening. Let us know if you would like physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Normally comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening
2. Unconditional Love
3. Enlightenment
4. Calm Sleep
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

Massage Table with 2 Transducers (Like Subwoofer Speakers) Mounted on the Bottom

Sound Table with 2 Transducers
WAV Player with Pre-Loaded Music
– 12 Music CD’s specifically designed for the Lounge with maximum bass. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
– 12 Cymatic Frequency CDs – For issues ranging from Muscles to Endocrine Glands. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
Professional Headphones – Ideal headphones for David’s music and the lounge combination.
Biomat – Lay the Biomat on top of the Sound Table. The speakers under the table trigger the amethyst crystals in the Biomat electromagnetically. The infrared is so nice. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)
Sound Pillow or Dolphin – Get sandwiched with Vibration.
4 Pod Battery Powered Bass Belt – Can be used with the lounge but normally used separately. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)
Sound Healing Orientation Class – 13 Classes on how Sound Healing works so you can explain how the Sound Lounge works to your clients. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)

This system is designed for those who have a Digital Audio Workstation with at least 4 outputs on their interface. This includes ProTools, Logic Audio, Ableton Live, Digital Performer, Cubase, Cakewalk, etc. It allows you to easily design your own multitrack music and play it through the table… and pan the sound around the table — up and down and left and right.
Comes with 2 Amps

2 Transducers – $900
4 Transducers – $1100
Detailed Instructions on How to Mount the Transducers – Including all of the tools you will need to do the mounting.

2 Transducers – $1100
4 Transducers – $1300
Bring in Your Table and We Mount the Transducers.
Sound Pillow & Dolphin
Vibration you can hug
They work really well with a Sound Lounge / Table so that you can have sound on both the front and back of the body at the same time, but is quite effective as its own Standalone VibroAcoustic tool.
All Pillows and Dolphins come with the following:
Amplifier – Plenty of power to rock your boat. Of course, comes with all cables to hook it up.
4 CDs/Downloads – See below.
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

Two powerful transducers in the Pillow vibrate you into bliss… and you get to hug it also.
4 CDs/Downloads
CDs by David Gibson that are unbelievably effective, beautiful and heart opening. Let us know if you would like physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Normally comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening
2. Unconditional Love
3. Enlightenment
4. Calm Sleep
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:

Two powerful transducers in the Dolphin vibrate you into bliss… and you get to hug it and look it in the eye also.
4 CDs/Downloads
The Dolphin works well with both music and the Cymatic frequency CDs. We normally ship a combination. Let us know if you would like physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Normally comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening (Music CD)
2. Unconditional Love (Music CD)
3. Muscles (Frequency CD)
4. Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments (Frequency CD)
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Music CDs –
Cymatic Frequency CDs –
Bass Pods, Belts and Vests
Vibration right on the part of the body that needs it the most.
All Pods, Belts and Vests come with the following:
Amplifier – Plenty of power to rock your boat. Of course, comes with all cables to hook it up.
4 CDs/Downloads
These devices works best with the Cymatic frequency CDs but you can also play music through them (particularly the Sound Vest). We normally ship a combination. Let us know if you would like physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Normally comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening (Music CD)
2. Muscles (Frequency CD)
3. Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments (Frequency CD)
4. Endocrine Glands (Frequency CD)
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Music CDs –
Cymatic Frequency CDs –
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

BASS POD – $525
Not currently in stock (waiting for parts).
Email us to get on the waiting list.
Small Subwoofer Cube for placing Healing Frequencies on the body

Powerful Transducers (Subwoofer Pods) mounted on a belt
Built in Amplifiers
Wired AC or Battery Version – Batteries last for over 4 hours.
• 2 Pod Version
– AC Wired – $525
– Rechargeable Battery – $650
• 4 Pod Version
– AC Wired – $695
– Rechargeable Battery – $795

BASS VEST – $1785 – $2185
8 Powerful Transducers (Subwoofer Pods)
2 on the root chakra, 2 on the abdomen (vertically) and 2 on the shoulders.
– AC Wired – $1785
– Rechargeable Battery – $2185
Built in Amplifiers
Amethyst Mat with Infrared

28″ x 75″ – Fits the Sound Table the best
Synchronized Light
Brainwave Entrainment synchronized to the Music and Vibration

How it Works
- Easy to use – plug and play out of the box
- Easily create your own sessions – great for therapists
- Copy your own music to the Kasina in MP3 and WAVE
- A built-in MP3 player and included on an 8 GB microSD card
- 255 shades of each color
- The Kasina features a back-lit, colored LCD display, built-in rechargeable lithium battery and can also be used as a USB audio device. The most capable AudioStrobe decoder on the market, with 16 different color-mapping presets. Use the Color Organ feature to turn any music into a colorful light show. Includes 6 different settings to help match the mood of your music. The glasses feature 6 colored LED’s per eye, assuring as vivid an experience as you desire.
- With aural backgrounds ranging from the soothing sounds of nature to ambient electronic tapestries to embedded binaural beats and isochronic pulses – all orchestrated and synchronized to the visual experience. Let your mind follow the frequency of the session you select.
What’s in the Box
- Quickstart Guide
- Kasina Console – preloaded with 49 sessions
- Kasina Ganzframes Multi-Color eyewear
- Ear-bud style Headphones
- USB Cable Power Supply
- Stereo Patch Cable
- MicroSD Card with SD Adapter
- Soft carry case
- Kasina DeepVision Ganzframes added to the shipping box

Software, Interface, Headphones, Glasses
This is a packaged version of the Sensorium that includes the Hardware Interface, Software, Headphones and Light Diode Glasses.
Scalar Wave Devices for Higher Consciousness
Music from the Sound Table/Lounge, Pillow or Dolphin also play through the device to create Scalar Waves in the room.

RODIN COIL – $1800
Comes with a two inch magnetic sphere
Could be up to 2 months for delivery
The signal is split so it goes to the Sound Table or Lounge and to the coil. Best when placed under the Sound Table or Lounge but can just be in the room.
It can be used on its own without any VibroAcoustics.

Miracle IQube – $6900
Comes with Access to Voice Analysis Software
The Miracle IQube has two sets of Tesla like coils wrapped around 9 inert noble gases, which creates a powerful scalar wave field in the room. It is modulated by a wide range of higher frequencies. However, you can also use the Voice Analysis software to create frequency remedies based on your own assessment. These frequencies are then transmitted into the room via the scalar waves.
The Miracle IQube is about the gradual upliftment, heart opening and awakening of humanity by conscious entrainment with coherent instruments. The Miracle IQube will dissolve the yo-yo effect of the highs and lows of the endless seeking for transformation, enlightenment, even passion to a consistent and stable experience of love and joy.
Comes with a nice case, Voice Analysis software, and online training.

Highest Quality WAV Player (CD quality instead of MP3) pre-loaded with:
– 12 Music CD’s specifiically designed for the Lounge with maximum bass. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
– 12 Cymatic Frequency CDs – For issues ranging from Muscles to Endocrine Glands. CLICK HERE to see the full list.

Ideal match for the Sound Table, Sound Lounge, Bass Pod, Pillow or Dolphin.

Feel free with no Headphones.
Two powered speakers.
Optional Speaker stands – Two 28″ stands – $170

SYSTEM – $650
The most immersive with 5 speakers.
Optional Speakers stands – Four 28″ stands – $340.
Learn how sound, music and vibration work so you can explain it to others

Discounted when bought with Sound Lounge or Table
Sound Healing Orientation Class
Normally $700
Learn the basics of how VibroaAcoustics and Sound Healing Work so you can explain it to clients.
13 classes with Live Instructors or by Video
– Finding Your Root/Soul Frequency
– Resonant Connections
CLICK HERE to see details of the classes
Sound Healing Master Class
Normally $1485
Comprehensive understanding of how VibroaAcoustics and Sound Healing Work.
31 classes with Live Instructors or by Video
– SH100 – Sound Healing Overview
– SH120 – Inner Music Theory
– SH140 – Resonant Connections
CLICK HERE to see the details of the classes
Sound Healing Certificate Program
Normally $2000
Globe Institute offers a Certificate Program in Sound Therapy and Healing — the study of the effect of sound, music and vibration on human beings physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Get certified and become a master at Sound Healing. Also, learn more ways to use your sound table or lounge in your practice.
CLICK HERE to see the details of the full program.
48 classes with Live Instructors or by Video.